Canine Wellness Long Logo

Are you interested in learning about CBD for your pet? There is an overwhelming about of information on the internet regarding CBD for pets, this online course is an introduction to selecting products for your pet. 

Safety and legal issues govern most products in Canada, USA and Europe. This course gives you the basics of learning what is legal, choosing safe products for your pet, and how Cannabis works in your pets body. Also included is medications you should be aware of when giving your pet any CBD product. 

Tania Costa is a Veterinary Technician, Certified as a Veterinary Cannabis Counselor (VCC) and believes it is important to educated pet owners to understand how cannabinoid therapy works.  Other certifications include Animal rehab (CCRP), Acupressure (CAAP), Veterinary Pain Management (CVPM), Manual therapies (myofascial release and massage) 

Coming in February 2024- 

CBD for Pets, Preparing for TPLO surgery

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